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New look for, the number one cycling tourism site in Europe!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019
The website is the main cycle tourism web portal in Europe, with more than 5 million page views, 1 million new unique visitors in 2018 and an annual average growth of 20%. It is jam-packed with ideas and suggestions relating to cycling tourism in all European countries and each EuroVelo route. A brand-new version of this website was launched on Thursday 27th June during the Cycling Tourism Plenary session at Velo-city 2019 in Dublin.

The new website boasts significant improvements on the previous version featuring an attractive and modern design, interactive maps, a user-friendly interface that adapts to different devices, new transnational websites for EuroVelo 3 – Pilgrims Route, EuroVelo 8 – Mediterranean Route, and EuroVelo 10 – Baltic Sea Cyce Route, and also for the most recent route to join the network: EuroVelo 19 – Meuse Cycle Route, as well as an interactive smartphone application for EuroVelo routes 3, 5, 8, 10 & 13.

“Europe is the world’s leading cycling tourism destination and the updated website is a one-stop-shop for anyone wanting to explore the continent by bike. The new features will make it even easier for people to find the latest information about the EuroVelo routes and we hope will inspire many more cycling adventures.” - Ádám Bodor, EuroVelo and Advocacy Director provides a wealth of information for those wishing to cycle the 16 routes in the European cycle route network. There are interactive maps of the routes; major points of the interest; bookable offers; and links to detailed information available on a national and regional level. All texts are available in English, French and German. For more developed route websites (EuroVelos 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13 and 15) there is also additional information about printed material (maps and guides) and significant events located along the route.

The focus of the new improvements has been on the EuroVelo routes currently being developed in the frame of several ongoing European projects. New transnational websites have been created for these routes, providing a lot of new information. Launch events have been taking place every day this week at the Velo-city EuroVelo booth dedicated to the release of the EuroVelo 19 – Meuse Cycle Route, EuroVelo 8 – Mediterranean Route (MEDCYCLETOUR Project), EuroVelo 10 – Baltic Sea Cycle Route (Biking South Baltic! Project) and EuroVelo 3 – Pilgrims Route (COSME Project) transnational websites. In addition to the precise route itinerary and state of development, the route websites provide information on the attractions to visit along the way, bookable offers, maps and guidebooks to download or purchase and links to national/regional websites with detailed information.

Besides the website, a new EuroVelo smartphone application has been released as well. The experience-based app provides overview information, links to national/regional websites and interactive maps for EuroVelo 3 – Pilgrims Route, EuroVelo 5 – Via Romea Francigena, EuroVelo 8 – Mediterranean Route, EuroVelo 10 – Baltic Sea Cycle Route and EuroVelo 13 – Iron Curtain Trail. When the gamification system is put in place, users will have the possibility ‘check in’ to those points of interest that are linked to the theme of each route and share with their friends and family how much of the route they have completed.

The revamped website and new apps have been made possible thanks to the involvement of the National EuroVelo Coordination Centres and Coordinators and other partners in each country, which have gathered together the latest information at a national or regional level. They were also realised thanks to the support of the MedCycleTour, Biking South Baltic! and Atlantic on Bike projects.