Dates for your calendar 2021
NECC/Cs Workshops
23 March
On March 23rd, we will organise some online workshops for our National EuroVelo Coordinators to provide advice on how to make the leap to National EuroVelo Coordination Centres. Further information to follow.
ITB Berlin
9-12 March
ITB Berlin 2021 will take place from 9-12 March 2021 in purely digital form, offering the global travel industry a central and virtual platform for networking, business and content. ECF is currently considering how best to participate in this new setting. For more information, visit the official website.
World Bicycle Day
3 June 2021
A day to celebrate our favourite mode of transport! We will hopefully see you at Velo-city 2021 Lisboa that day which happens to coincide with a public holiday in Portugal. Follow EuroVelo’s, Velo-city’s and ECF’s social media accounts to stay informed about World Bicycle Day!

Velo-city 2021 Lisboa
6-9 September
The world’s largest cycling conference is planned to take place in Lisboa from 6-9 September 2021. 41 years after the first edition, Velo-city is well established as a global knowledge exchange platform – this year, under the main theme of Bicycle Diversity. EuroVelo and cycle tourism will again be part of the event promoting cycling as a sustainable and healthy means of transport for all. For more information, visit the official website. We recommend taking EuroVelo 1 - Atlantic Coast Route to travel to the Portuguese capital.

EuroVelo and Cycle Tourism Conference
5-7 October
The conference is the premier event of its class in Europe, aiming to gather professionals from the tourism and cycling tourism sectors from around the world. It is a unique occasion to learn about the last developments in this field and network with members from cities and regions working in the development of cycling tourism, tour operators, researchers, enterprises.
The call for abstracts will be launched in Spring 2021. The conference programme will include sessions related to cycling tourism’s contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals. Visit the official website to pre-register to be notified about the most recent information around the conference.

EuroVelo General Meeting 2021
5 October (around EuroVelo and Cycle Tourism Conference)
The EuroVelo General Meeting - the gathering of representatives of all National EuroVelo Coordination Centres and Coordinators (NECC/Cs), members of the EuroVelo Council and other key stakeholders - will take place the day before the EuroVelo and Cycle Tourism Conference, in the host city. We are therefore looking forward to meet, interact and network with our partners in Barcelona in person again after we were forced to go online for the provisional EuroVelo General Meeting in 2020.