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EuroVelo & Cycling Tourism Conference 2024 - Viborg

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
The 2024 edition of the EuroVelo & Cycling Tourism Conference will take place in Viborg. Discover the event, the programme and everything that awaits you in Denmark from 23 to 25 September!

The EuroVelo & Cycling Tourism Conference is the prime event bringing together all actors involved in the cycling tourism sector. It offers an excellent platform for debate and exchange about the latest developments and ideas in the world of cycling tourism, EuroVelo and cycle route networks. The 2024 edition will be held in Viborg, a town in the centre of the Jutland peninsula, in Denmark. Located on EuroVelo 3 – Pilgrims Route, Viborg represents a key meeting point on the ancient road Hærvejen. The event is co-organised by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and the Municipality of Viborg.

EuroVelo & Cycling Tourism Conference 2024 logo
EuroVelo & Cycling Tourism Conference 2024 logo

By exploring the theme ‘Legacy and Localhood’, the Conference puts people at the centre. Visitors’ experience of a destination is more meaningful if there is contact with locals, and by interacting with visitors on a bicycle, locals can be even more inspired to make cycling part of their lives, as a daily mode of transport and leisure. The Conference will reflect on how to engage the local communities, how to approach the diversity of cycling tourism, and on the key to sustainable local development.

Consult the Conference website for all information about the preliminary programme, the registration and your stay in Viborg.

The EuroVelo & Cycling Tourism Conference 2024 will take place in the Tinghallen conference venue and will start with a welcome reception on Monday 23 September. On Tuesday 24 September, a full day of plenary and parallel sessions will take place, before a networking dinner. Wednesday 25 September will be dedicated to technical visits on bicycles. Stay tuned for plenty of side events involving the delegates, the city of Viborg and the largest Danish cycling community and making the EuroVelo & Cycling Tourism Conference a memorable event!

Cover photo: Jesper Maagaard