Register to the webinar on 6 October 2020: challenges and opportunities for the cycling tourism sector from the COVID-19 pandemic
This event happened in the past. Here, you can find ECF's co-CEO Jill Warren's presentation . The day's official agenda can be downloaded here.
The day’s agenda:
- * 11:00 Welcome and introduction to EuroVelo and Cycling Tourism Conference 2021 (English)
- * Isidre Gavín, Secretary of Infrastructure and Mobility, Government of Catalonia
- * Octavi Bono, General Director of Tourism, Government of Catalonia
- * Jill Warren, co-CEO of European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF)
- * 11:15 Webinar 1: “The ability of territories to adapt to the COVID-19 context” (English)
- * Communication campaigns, good practices and data on the impact of cycling tourism at the European level in the COVID-19 context. Jill Warren, co-CEO of ECF
- * First finding regarding the effects of COVID -19 in France: usage of the national network, implemented actions, promised investments and regional examples. Camille Thomé, Director (Vélo & Territoires) - France
- * Lisbon’s commitment to connect its urban and metropolitan cycling network to the EuroVelo system, promoting safe and sustainable urban tourism in a COVID-19 context. Gonçalo Peres, Advisory Board Member for Federação Portuguesa de Cicloturismo e Utilitzadores de Bicicleta (FBCUP) - Portugal
- * Questions and Answers
- * 12:15 Webinar 2: “The importance of specialisation in the cycling tourism sector” (Spanish)
- * Plan estratégico de desarrollo del cicloturismo Ana Bastida / Rosalia Pont, Agencia Catalana de Turismo (ACT)
- * Mesa redonda, moderada por David Esteller (ACT)
- * Xavier Font, Turismo de la Diputación de Barcelona
- * Àngel Planas, Consorcio de les Vies Verdes de Girona
- * Josep Rodrigo, Hotel SB Corona (Tortosa)
- * Laura Moreno, Cycling Holidays Rodabike (Cambrils)
- * La visión y la acción de las entidades en el marco del cicloturismo Laura Vergara (ConBici) i Benjamí Aguilar (FEM Bici)
- * 13:25 Closing (Spanish)
- * Xavier Flores, director general de Infraestructuras de Movilidad
- * 14:00 – 17:00 Provisional EuroVelo General Meeting (EVGM)
The first webinar on “The ability of territories to adapt to the COVID-19 context” is chaired by Octavi Bono, the Catalonia’s Director-General for Tourism, and will feature a presentation from the ECF’s co-CEO, Jill Warren. To highlight best practice examples on the national level, Camille Thomé, director of EuroVelo France, will present the results from their Summer 2020 campaign and explain the socioeconomic impact of cycling tourism in France. To consider the situation on the city-level, Gonçalo Peres, Advisory Board Member for FPCUB (Portuguese Federation of cycle tourist and bike users) from Lisbon, host of Velo-city 2021, will share their approach to urban cycling tourism and city connectivity against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The second webinar “The importance of specialisation in the cycling tourism sector” will take place in Catalonian and Spanish. Ana Bastida and Rosalia Pont, both from the Catalonian Tourism Agency (ACT), will introduce and present the Catalan strategical plan. The webinar ends with a panel discussion moderated by David Estellé (ACT) and a subsequent Q&A.
Prior to the webinars, the EuroVelo and Cycling Tourism Conference 2021 will be officially announced in Spanish and English. This fifth edition of the conference will take place on the 4th October 2021 in Barcelona in cooperation with the Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona City Council, the Barcelona Provincial Council, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and the Federation of Bicycle Users of Catalonia (FEMBici).
The announcement coincides with the annual meeting of the National EuroVelo Coordination Centres and Coordinators (NECC/Cs), the Provisional EuroVelo General Meeting (EVGM), which will take place via Zoom in the afternoon following the webinars.
You can register for the webinars here.
We look forward to welcome you online!
For more information, contact [email protected].