5 cycling tourism trends in 2025
1. Cycling as a top contributor to tourism climate actions
In the current scenario, tourism represents 8% of global emissions and is forecast to increase by at least 25% by 2030. Transport is responsible for around 50% of the tourism sector's global emissions. At the same time, tourism is the third largest export-earning category worldwide, contributing directly to 4% of the world GDP. There is an urgent need for the tourism sector to transition to benefit local communities and leverage its cross-cutting nature, involving many key sectors. Cycling can be a driving force for this transition.
Promoting cycling as a mode of transport at a destination and investing in cycling tourism as an active, nature-oriented, healthy and fun form of tourism are key actions. Cycling tourists have a high economic impact on destinations, as many local and national studies show. But there’s more: investing in cycling benefits both the residents’ quality of life and the attractiveness of destinations.
More references to cycling are needed in global, European and national tourism climate action plans! ECF is adding cycling to the map by submitting pledges to the European Commission’s Transition Pathway for Tourism, or promoting the Blueprint for tourism climate action plans, and via its memorandum of understanding with UN Tourism.
At the last COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, a Declaration on Enhanced Climate Action in Tourism was signed: it was the first document focusing on tourism and therefore can be considered a big step forward. The declaration mentions “promoting low- and zero-emission transportation options”. A clear mention of cycling as one of the options is desirable for future documents.
2. Multimodality: cycling combined with other sustainable modes of transport

Cycling alone limits the number of tourist destinations accessible from someone’s home. But combining the bicycle with trains or buses makes cycling holidays sustainable and opens many more options. There is undoubtedly a high potential for multimodal cycling tourism being developed throughout Europe, provided that offers are well-developed and accessible for international users. Quality services, information about bike carriage on trains and buses, solutions for navigating multimodal transport hubs and booking options are needed.
This year, ECF will update the Cyclists Love Trains report, first published in 2021. The report analyses the bicycle friendliness of European railway operators, and we hope to see progress since the last edition. Thanks to an online survey conducted by ECF as part of the Interreg project A2PT, more data on cycling tourists' needs regarding public transport in the Danube region will soon be available, too.
3. Making cycling tourism inclusive for all

Cycling adventures are accessible for everyone, starting from their doorstep. Be it for a one-day journey to a 10-month cycling trip, on an E-bike or folding bike, Europe has all the assets to meet varied needs and expectations. However, the sector needs to pedal out of its niche and reach many more potential users, convincing them to embrace cycling tourism, in its most diverse understanding. The ADFC bicycle travel analysis 2024 identifies three main reasons for not going on cycling trips: physical effort, lack of equipment and of travel companions.
The sector should work to make cycling tourism possible and enjoyable for people of all age groups, genders, social backgrounds, origins and abilities by working on the inclusivity of cycling infrastructure, tourism services, marketing and cycling culture. If inclusivity starts with storytelling, read our recent piece, ‘Discovering freedom through an adapted cycle’.
4. Higher quality for cycling offers: from infrastructure to services
The most advanced destinations for cycling tourism have known this for a long time: build it, and they will come. Cycling offers start with good itineraries, be they long-distance cycle routes, cycling round trips, greenways, or node points. It all starts with the product: good-quality cycling infrastructure, giving access to a destination's uniqueness from the saddle, and services meeting the needs of cycling tourists.
Many tools exist to increase the quality of cycling offers. To support local stakeholders, ECF published the EuroVelo Development Guide, providing general guidance on how to develop EuroVelo and cycle routes as a whole. The European Certification Standard methodology is also a ready-to-use tool to plan and assess the quality of long-distance cycle routes and is being increasingly used throughout Europe.
5. Growth of a cycling tourism community: build a sense of belonging
Part of cycling's inclusivity relies on its community aspect. Cycle holidays mean getting in touch with many other people, fellow cyclists, and local inhabitants, in a slow and more meaningful way. Cyclists are happy to share a moment and listen to the stories of others or be hosted by a local. This is often the most memorable experience for many cyclists.
The cycling community is supportive, too: we see it every day with the dozens of messages posted to the EuroVelo Facebook discussion group, where users ask questions and share their future travel plans or travel achievements in a respectful and helpful way. Never underestimate the power of recommendations and word of mouth for a destination’s or offer’s success.
Inspiring, sharing stories, and building a community through various initiatives and actions remain key to the growth of cycling tourism overall. New ways of engaging with cyclists and visitors are definitely a promising trend for 2025!
Article by Agathe Daudibon