New application process opened for new routes and major extensions to the EuroVelo network
To guarantee the consistency of EuroVelo as a whole, a formal process has been set up for interested parties to join the European cycle route network. The EuroVelo new routes and major extensions manual, updated in December 2024, provides detailed information on the objectives, the requirements and the timeline to follow in case of interest.
The deadline for submitting applications in the current round is 15 January 2026, with draft proposals expected by 30 June 2025, for new routes or sections to officially join the network by 2028 or 2031.
Quality over quantity as the main priority

The current EuroVelo network is ready to cycle up to 67% with 39% including EuroVelo signs (EuroVelo Route Development Status Report 2024). This means a lot of work is still needed to complete the network as it is today by 2030 and increase its level of quality. This is the main priority of the EuroVelo initiative, and that is why ECF released the EuroVelo Development Guide in September 2024 providing recommendations for a faster development of EuroVelo routes.
But this does not prevent adding well-developed routes, contributing to a more geographically balanced EuroVelo network and/or adding more value to the European cycle route network as a whole. The condition for joining is to be able to enter a formal application process requiring strong commitments from the parties involved and to meet the high quality standards expected from new EuroVelo routes or sections of routes.
What type of changes are possible, and which are the criteria of eligibility?
The EuroVelo new routes and major extensions manual focuses on significative changes involving multiple countries and/or impacting the EuroVelo network with starting points or ending points of a route (route extension) or changing the general aspect of a route (major change). Other changes, impacting mainly the national dimension of a route would be considered as minor changes and would be discussed bilaterally with the stakeholders involved, and not as part of a formal process.

All changes to the EuroVelo network must be considered carefully and demonstrate the added value to the European cycle route network. This is why the application process lasts a minimum of 3 years and up to 6 years, to give enough time to the applicants and EuroVelo governance bodies for the implementation of the project and demonstration of its level of quality. National EuroVelo Coordination Centres must be involved and contribute to the application process.
New routes would need to respect two main criteria: involving minimum two countries, and being minimum 1,000 km long. This is to guarantee the transnational relevance of EuroVelo routes. Other criteria are listed in the manual and valid for all type of changes (new routes, major extensions, major changes).
Submitting an application
Applications for new or modified routes can be submitted to ECF every three years. The next deadline for applications is on 15 January 2026, with draft proposals expected by 30 June 2025.
Evaluating and potentially approving new or modified routes or major sections involves cost implications for ECF. These include expenses related to assessing applications, providing guidance on route development and action planning, and engaging in communication and branding activities. This is why the application process implies fees detailed in the manual.
Details on the required application information, associated costs and timeframe can be found in the document: New Routes, Route Extensions and Itinerary Changes.

Article by Mark Sheridan and Agathe Daudibon
Cover image © Tristan Bogaard and Belén Castelló, EuroVelo 19 Route Partnership