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EuroVelo Data Hub

Find aggregated data related to EuroVelo routes: network usage, route development and web statistics

EuroVelo Data Hub

Below we have collected aggregated data related to EuroVelo routes through three data sources that will enable ECF and its partners, particularly the network of National EuroVelo Coordination Centres (NECCs), to have a better understanding of the use of the EuroVelo routes over time and be able to compare experiences.

You can also find guidance on how to start monitoring cycling tourism and evaluating its economic impacts in your country / region according to the ÉVA-VÉLO method.

How to start monitoring and evaluating cycle routes and networks yourself - guidance and methodology

Putting in place a framework for monitoring and evaluating touristic cycle routes and networks has several advantages for your country or region:

  • Measuring ridership: You will know how well and when your infrastructure is used, and which effects on usage your efforts to improve it will have;
  • Analysing economic impact: You will be able to identify the return on investment of your cycle tourism measures. This dimension is essential for decision-makers to guide public investment, but it also assists private operators in deciding on the size of their investments and calculating possible returns, and helps to encourage the establishment of new operators.
  • Knowing your customers: You will know the profiles of the people who are cycling on your route or network, and those who don’t. This will help you to target your marketing and communications strategies much more precisely.
  • Listening to the needs of users: You will have valuable information about the levels of user satisfaction, which will enable you to continuously improve your offer in a way that corresponds to customers’ needs.

To help you achieve all of these objectives, Vélo & Territoires, the French National EuroVelo Coordination Centre, has developed the ÉVA-VÉLO methodology in the framework of the AtlanticOnBike project. Published in 2020, the methodology is based on Vélo & Territoires’s longstanding experience in this field, which started in 2006 with the transnational evaluation of the EuroVelo 6 - Atlantic-Black Sea route. ECF has accompanied this process throughout the years, validated the methodology, and recommends its use throughout Europe.

Below you can find the ÉVA-VÉLO methodological guidance documents and several templates which Vélo & Territoires has kindly provided us with.