Baltic Biking UPGRADE

Project's history
Following the Biking South Baltic project results, and based on ECF expertise and discussion with regions’ authorities, an application was submitted to the Interreg South Baltic programme with success. This project was born out of the assessment that SMEs are aware of the EuroVelo 10 – Baltic Sea Cycle Route's potential but do not know how to connect their offer with the route and market it to future customers.
Project's summary
Baltic Biking UPGRADE (BBU) officially started on 1 September 2023 and will run over a three-year period (2023-2026). Led by Pomorskie Tourist Board, the project involves 6 countries – including Belgium as ECF is based in Brussels – 5 being along the South Baltic part (Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Germany) of EuroVelo 10 – Baltic Sea Cycle Route. These five countries cover more than 4,900 km of the route, out of a total of 9,100 km, meaning more than half of the route.

The BBU project addresses some significant challenges of SMEs located in the South Baltic Area of EuroVelo 10: lack of knowledge, underdeveloped bicycle-friendly standards, services and offers, as well as a lack of a solid business network and partnerships with relevant peers, including international stakeholders.
The main goal of the project is to assist SMEs in creating attractive cycling-friendly offers and successfully reaching out to foreign markets. For this purpose, several actions are being set up: dedicated training on creating new offers targeting an international audience, guidelines on how to start, a dedicated campaign to market the new offers, and an invitation to join the EuroVelo 10 network in the South Baltic Area.
BBU will allow for the roll-out of more and better bicycle-friendly services along EuroVelo 10, with new products and offers for cycling visitors. The ultimate aim is to make the area more visible in the international cycling tourism market and to strengthen the development and management of the route thanks to closer transnational cooperation.
Project's deliverables
The BBU partners are glad to introduce the first deliverables of the project:

- A comparative analysis of cycling-friendly schemes in Europe and a summary of local workshops conducted to discuss the topic of cycling-friendly labels, prepared by the project partner City of Barth in collaboration with Capufaktur e.V. Greifswald (December 2024)
- Overview of small and medium-sized enterprises’ bicycle-friendly offers and services along EuroVelo 10 in the South Baltic Area, prepared by the project partner Visit Lolland-Falster, Denmark (December 2024)
- Marketing guidelines for EuroVelo 10 in the South Baltic area – tailored for SMEs offering cyclist-friendly services and local tourism organisations, prepared by the project partner Pomorskie Tourist Board (November 2024)
- Marketing strategy for the development of cycling-friendly services and offers along EuroVelo 10 in the South Baltic area, prepared by the project partner Pomorskie Tourist Board (November 2024)
Coming next:
The Baltic Biking UPGRADE project will also be represented at Velo-city Gdansk 2025, visit the booth to learn more about the project and meet the partners!

A EuroVelo 10 multistakeholder platform will also be created to support and sustain cooperation between stakeholders after the project end. It will be a platform for promotion, networking, business opportunities and knowledge exchange. More information will be available on the page towards the end of the project.
BBU project partners:
- Pomorskie Tourist Board, Poland (Lead Partners)
- Westpomerania Regional Tourism Organisation, Poland
- Visit Lolland-Falster, Denmark
- Danish Cycling Tourism, Dansk Cykelturisme, Denmark
- Klaipeda Region Association, Lithuania
- Region Blekinge, Sweden
- Swedish Cycling Advocacy Organisation, Cykelfrämjandet, Sweden
- City of Barth, Germany
- European Cyclists' Federation, Belgium
BBU associated partners:
- Pomorskie Voivodeship, Poland
- Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship, Poland
- Polish Tourism Organisation, Poland
- Warmia and Masuria Tourist Board, Poland
- Visit Denmark, Denmark
- Finnish Cyclists’ Federation / The Finnish Center for Cycling Tourism, Finland
- Citybike Ltd., Estonia
- Vidzeme Tourism Organisation, Latvia
- Larsson Bike, Denmark
- Jan-Pol, Poland
- JSC Baltic Bike Travel, Lithuania
The Baltic Biking UPGRADE project budget is €1,936,077.90, of which €1,548,862.32 is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

More information:
- Kick-off meeting in Gdansk, Poland - October 2023
- Second project meeting in Barth, Germany - March 2024
- First study visit in Zachodniopomorskie region, Poland - May 2024
- Velo-city in Ghent, Belgium - June 2024
- Third project meeting and second study visit in Lolland-Falster, Denmark - October 2024
Cover picture: EuroVelo 10 – Baltic Sea Cycle Route © Biking South Baltic!