Silver Cyclists
The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) selected ECF´s project proposal "Silver Cyclist" in 2015. While using the EuroVelo network as a backbone, tourist packages catering to the specific needs of senior cyclists were created in the frame of the project. The transnational cooperation also aimed at extending the touristic season, sharing best practices, facilitating sustainable public-private partnerships and encouraging seniors’ sense of European identity through international experiences.

During the project, many activities were carried out such as workshops with stakeholders, photo shooting campaigns of seniors cycling, the signage of the Charter of Silver Cyclists and the creation of a logo that indicated the Silver Cyclists-friendly tourist packages.
On October 5th-6th 2015, the project's kick-off meeting was held in Cologne (Germany). Partners from 7 countries attended this fruitful meeting setting up the project methodology, the management tools, the calendar of activities, etc.
Project partners:
- European Cyclists´ Federation (Belgium) Lead partner
- Confederación Española de Organizaciones de Mayores (Spain)
- Romantischer Rhein Tourismus GmbH (Germany)
- Vidzeme Tourism Association (Latvia)
- University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom)
- Dansk Cikeltturisme (Denmark)
- Comune di Sermide (Italy)
- Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles (Spain)